SETH| A well-educated criminal with grand ambitions and a knack for chemistry, this potentially recurring character gains power over his enemies by exposing them to a drug that drains their willpower. 赛斯(SETH):受过良好教育、野心勃勃、爱好化学的罪犯。他可能成为循环角色。赛斯能将他的敌人们暴露在一种药物下,耗尽他们的意志力,从而打败他们。
Imposing severe criminal policy to the securities crime, it is consistent with the tolerant and economic character of the Penal Code, and not to violate criminal policy. 对证券犯罪施以严厉的刑事政策,符合刑法谦抑性与刑法经济性,不违背宽严相济刑事政策。
System of criminal compulsory measures is an essential part in criminal procedurebecause of its internal character. 刑事强制措施制度由于其内在特性而成为刑事诉讼定型的关键。
Doctrine of eclectic attempt considers that the basis of bearing criminal responsibility for attempted offense is the real fatalness of convict's act and his subjective evil character. 折中的未遂论认为未遂犯的处罚根据在于实现犯罪的现实危险性和行为人的主观恶性。
The concept of principal offender is not mentioned in criminal law in China and the study on the character of criminal participation system is seldom dealt among scholars. 我国刑法并未提到正犯的概念,我国学者在共犯研究中鲜有涉及到我国犯罪参与体系性质的问题。
This paper elaborates systematically the rule of character evidence in English criminal procedure and the Criminal Justice Act in 2003 in order to enlighten us into the rule of character evidence in our criminal procedure. 笔者通过简介英国刑事诉讼中的品格证据规则以及2003年《刑事审判法》对品格证据规则的修改,以期对建立我国的品格证据规则有所启示。
For the part of the theory of criminal structure of our country, the judgement on the character of action of omission should be experienced from the reality to the value and combined the theory of existence with the theory of value. 就我国犯罪构成体系而言,不作为行为性判断应经历一个从实然判断到应然判断的过程,是一个将存在论与价值论相结合的判断过程。
By analyzing the criminal psychology of Zhang Jun, the author points out that we should pay very close attention to the criminal phenomena touched off by the character against society. 本文通过对张君犯罪心理的剖析指出,要特别注意一种由反社会的人格障碍导致的犯罪现象。
To Mould the Criminal Judicial Character of the Legal Principle of Crime and Punishment 论塑造罪刑法定的刑事司法品格
The self factors of the criminal mainly comprise of the ill character and idea, the ignorance. 罪犯自身的因素主要包括不良性格、观念和无知。
The paper holds the ideas that to understand the concept we have to be based on the dual nature of the international criminal law, that is, the criminal character and the international character. 对国际犯罪刑事责任概念的理解应站在国际刑法两重性的基点上,既体现刑事责任的基本特征,又突出国际性特点。
Beginning with the concept of status in criminal law as the logical premise, the article reconfirms the meaning of status crimes and opens a stretch of foothold in the criminal law theory to establish the independent character to the theory of status crimes. 本文试图以刑法中的身份为逻辑起点,通过对身份犯概念的重构,为身份犯理论在刑法理论中开辟一片立足之地,从而建立起身份犯理论的独立品格。
The14th general principle of criminal law determines that the holder should be fully aware of the character of the currency. 刑法总则第十四条关于犯罪故意的规定决定了货币犯罪行为人对“货币”的性质均应当明知;
In the light of modern international law and international criminal law, this paper focuses on the general situation, character, punishing and preventing strategies of the terrorism crime, expecting to bring about an advance in the study of it. 结合现代国际法和国际刑法的相关理论,本文重点就恐怖主义犯罪的概况、性质及惩治与防范策略加以研究,以期促进对此问题的深入探讨。
Results Personality of the criminal s 'always has the trend departing from normal one. They have the common character, but can be varied in different genders, different ages, different types of offenders. 结果罪犯普遍存在偏离正常人格的倾向,罪犯人格特征有其共性,但不同性别、不同年龄、不同犯罪类型罪犯的人格特征有所不同。
Criminal Character Was united by the Character in Fact and in Law, and by the CHARACTER OF Content and Character of Form. 犯罪是事实特征与法律特征的统一,也是内容特征和形式特征的统一。
Criminal legislative practice and criminal judicial practice should each maintain an appropriate relationship with the essential character of crime 立法实践与司法实践应当与犯罪本质特征保持恰当关系
The statistics of crime is an important method of studying criminal means, character and reason. 犯罪统计是研究犯罪手段、特征和原因,预测未来犯罪,制定刑事政策的重要方法和依据。
Therefore, how to separate the action of instigate from the action of violating the criminal law becomes the key in defining the character of instigators. 因此,如何理解教唆行为与实行行为间的关系,就成为明确教唆犯性质之关键。
To remain understandable initially on the literal meanings of criminal clauses and to lack importance on the intrinsic character and normative aim. 3. 停留在对刑法条文字面含义的初步理解上,对刑法内在品质和规范目的不够重视。
Criminal investigation efficiency reflects the essential character and basic demand, so Chinese theorists and practitioners of criminal investigation have depended much time in researching criminal investigation benefit. 由于侦查效益反映了侦查的根本属性和基本要求,因此,国内外侦查理论工作者和实务人员对侦查效益的问题进行了大量的理论研究。
First, from the stand of criminal Law, it analyzes the deed character of omission. 首先,从刑法规范的立场,分析了不作为的行为性。
He holds that character in the field of criminal law is performed as a dangerous criminal character, and the juvenile delinquency is caused by the combination of the dangerous criminal character and the crime factor. 笔者认为人格在刑法学领域就表现为一种犯罪危险性人格,少年犯罪是少年危险性人格与致罪因素的结合,人格与少年犯罪之间存在着密切的关系。
From the base of philosophy about the causal relation of criminal omission, we set out the character of causal relation about criminal omission and the cause power and the content of identification. 从不作为犯罪因果关系的哲学基础出发,阐述了不作为犯罪因果关系的特性、原因力以及认定方面的内容。
The purpose of this paper is to study how to use the criminal victim character evidence in criminal proceedings. 本文以研究刑事被害人品格证据在刑事诉讼中如何运用为目的。
Character evidence is used to prove the character of some of the participants in the proceedings of criminal lawsuit, and thus concluded that tend to act according to own certain character evidence. 品格证据是用以证明刑事诉讼中某些诉讼参与人的品格,进而推论其按照自身的某种性格倾向行事的证据。
The Meritorious Performance system is displaying the positive role in the cracking down on criminal activities, but it also has utilitarian character which bring about a lot of anomalous phenomena. 它在打击犯罪方面发挥着积极作用,但是其先天具有的功利性又导致了立功异化现象层出不穷。
Because criminal law has no clear definitions for the connotation and character of "to figure for unfair interests", causes it to become the bone of contention in theory and practice. 由于刑法对为谋取不正当利益的内涵和性质等没有明确定义,使之成为理论界和实务界争论的焦点。
About the definition of criminal omission, firstly we make a carding on the concepts about criminal omission in our criminal law, secondly we make a analysis on the behavioral character and type, at last we study the constitutive elements. 首先对我国刑法学关于不作为犯罪的概念进行了梳理,其次对不作为的行为性和类型确究分析,最后对不作为犯罪的构成要件进行了研究。
Chinese criminal law scholars as Japan and western countries have been research on the character of instigator for a long time. 我国刑法学界同日本、西方等国家刑法学界一样,对教唆犯的性质问题的探讨研究已经很久了。